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What flavor pocky are you?

3 posters

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What flavor pocky are you? Empty What flavor pocky are you?

Post by lilfriend400 Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:03 pm

You Are Flan Pocky

What flavor pocky are you? Flan-pocky

Your attitude: modern and offbeat
You are East meets West. Sweet meets salty.
You are fond of contradictions. You are a contradiction.
You're a pro at bringing unusual combos together!

What flavor pocky are you?

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Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 29
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What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/9999999999999What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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What flavor pocky are you? Empty Re: What flavor pocky are you?

Post by [Red]bunnyofdeath[SgtCom] Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:13 pm

You Are Strawberry Pocky

What flavor pocky are you? Strawberry-pocky

Your attitude: fresh and sweet
You are comforting, yet quirky. You are quietly hyper.
You always see both sides to everything.
You can bring people a much needed fresh perspective.
Sergeant Commander
Sergeant Commander

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Join date : 2009-07-09
Age : 36
Location : Milky Way

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What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue145/145What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (145/145)
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What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue268/268What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (268/268)
What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue0/200What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/200)

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What flavor pocky are you? Empty Re: What flavor pocky are you?

Post by [Red] Pixels [Sgt] Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:08 pm

You Are Green Tea Pocky

What flavor pocky are you? Green-tea-pocky

Your attitude: natural and zen
You are peaceful yet full of life. You've spent time pondering the meaning of life.
You are considered deep, thoughtful, and wise.
You're halfway to tantric bliss!
[Red] Pixels [Sgt]
[Red] Pixels [Sgt]

Posts : 31
Join date : 2009-05-23

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What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue50/50What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
Armor Points:
What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue257/257What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (257/257)
What flavor pocky are you? Left_bar_bleue8/10What flavor pocky are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (8/10)

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