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What flavor cupcake are you?

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What flavor cupcake are you? Empty What flavor cupcake are you?

Post by lilfriend400 Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:46 pm

You Are a Carrot Cake Cupcake

What flavor cupcake are you? Carrot-cake

You are a complex person. You have many interesting layers to your personality, though others might not know it.
You are drawn to a cross section of people. Your friends play different roles in your life.

You are like a cupcake because you are deceptively simple. There's actually a lot to you!
There are many ingredients in your life, and you only want them in proper amounts. Being you is a delicate art.

What flavor cupcake are you?

btw I hate carrots

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What flavor cupcake are you? Left_bar_bleue99999999999/99999999999What flavor cupcake are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
What flavor cupcake are you? Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/9999999999999What flavor cupcake are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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What flavor cupcake are you? Empty Re: What flavor cupcake are you?

Post by [Red]bunnyofdeath[SgtCom] Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:49 pm

You Are a Vanilla Cupcake

What flavor cupcake are you? Vanilla

You are very sweet and mellow. You are easy going and easy to like.
You are drawn to those stronger personalities. You get along with powerful people.

You are like a cupcake because you appeal to almost every type of person.
You are friendly and accepting. You bring out other people's best qualities.
Sergeant Commander
Sergeant Commander

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Age : 36
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What flavor cupcake are you? Left_bar_bleue145/145What flavor cupcake are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (145/145)
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What flavor cupcake are you? Left_bar_bleue268/268What flavor cupcake are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (268/268)
What flavor cupcake are you? Left_bar_bleue0/200What flavor cupcake are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/200)

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