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What kind of fast food are you?

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What kind of fast food are you? Empty What kind of fast food are you?

Post by [Red]bunnyofdeath[SgtCom] Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:12 pm

You Are a Burrito

What kind of fast food are you? Burrito

You're not a picky person. You're able to go with the flow and really enjoy life.
You have a taste for the exotic, and you're quite adventurous. You're willing to try almost anything.

You're very low maintenance. You don't mind getting a bit messy if it means having fun.
You aren't superficial or easily impressed. Someone has to be the real deal if they're going to impress you.

What kind of fast food are you?
Sergeant Commander
Sergeant Commander

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Join date : 2009-07-09
Age : 36
Location : Milky Way

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What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue145/145What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (145/145)
Armor Points:
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue268/268What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (268/268)
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue0/200What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/200)

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What kind of fast food are you? Empty Re: What kind of fast food are you?

Post by lilfriend400 Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:14 pm

You Are a Burger

What kind of fast food are you? Hamburger

You are a down to earth person and a straight shooter. You don't fall for fads or trends.
You are stable and a bit old fashioned. Tradition and loyalty are important to you.

You are a good friend and you like to have a good time. You find it easy to kick back.
You're not one to make waves in life. You're happy just to be a part of the fun.

Posts : 168
Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 29
Location : Earth

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What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue99999999999/99999999999What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
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What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue99999999999/99999999999What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/9999999999999What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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What kind of fast food are you? Empty Re: What kind of fast food are you?

Post by [Red] Pixels [Sgt] Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:58 pm

You Are a Smoothie

What kind of fast food are you? Smoothie

You are fun loving, active, and flexible. You are very open to new experiences.
You are very positive and optimistic. You believe the best is yet to come in life.

You appreciate the simple pleasures, like fresh fruit and a summer day.
You believe less is more. You rather lead a life of leisure than let your things own you.

[Red] Pixels [Sgt]
[Red] Pixels [Sgt]

Posts : 31
Join date : 2009-05-23

Health Points:
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue50/50What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
Armor Points:
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue257/257What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (257/257)
What kind of fast food are you? Left_bar_bleue8/10What kind of fast food are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (8/10)

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