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What kind of pie are you?

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What kind of pie are you? Empty What kind of pie are you?

Post by lilfriend400 Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:59 pm

You Are Mud Pie

What kind of pie are you? Mud-pie

You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth.
You are overpowering and dominant - and that's what people like about you.
You bring energy and a new direction to most interactions.
People crave you in a serious way. You're that important to them.

Those who like you give into their impulses.
You don't represent reason. You represent pure temptation.
People get addicted to you rather easily.
You offer people a dark side that is very hard to resist.

What kind of pie are you?

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Age : 29
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What kind of pie are you? Empty Re: What kind of pie are you?

Post by [Red]bunnyofdeath[SgtCom] Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:09 pm

You Are Cherry Pie

What kind of pie are you? Cherry-pie

You're the perfect combo of innocent and sexy.
At times, you seem a bit naive, simple, and innocent.
But at second glance, you are sensual, seductive, and even a little naughty.
You have people fooled - at least you'd like to think so.

Those who like you enjoy a contradiction.
Either that, or they can't really make up their minds about what they want.
And you can usually give people what they want... as long as you're in the mood.
You've been known to be quite tempestuous, and pleasing others is not high on your list of priorities.

wtf... Suspect what kind of result is that?
Sergeant Commander
Sergeant Commander

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Join date : 2009-07-09
Age : 36
Location : Milky Way

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What kind of pie are you? Left_bar_bleue268/268What kind of pie are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (268/268)
What kind of pie are you? Left_bar_bleue0/200What kind of pie are you? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/200)

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