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8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here!

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8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Empty 8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here!

Post by lilfriend400 Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:28 am

Alright, here's what going to happen:

Giveaway Party starts from 8/28 (my real b-day) to 9/4 as this was decided from the time limit poll. What's happening on those days is that 2 prizes are given each day. These 2 prizes will be randomly chosen upon the admin/moderator's randomization process. In other words, it could vary from armor, potions, weapons, EVEN levels, experience, and MONEY! And yes, there's a chance where you might receive an admin equipment, which will be highly unlikely, but go and cross your fingers ;D Anyways, there will be a thread posted up on the War Zone called "Giveaway Party". In here, you MUST post at least once from 8/28 to 9/4 in order to check up on your activeness and be able to receive a prize. And how the freak are you suppost to get your prize? Well, an admin/moderator will be PMing you your 2 prizes. Note that you will have to update your "Members' Stats" when receiving these items unless an admin/moderator does so (don't forget that you can NOT cheat in your post when updating. Doing so will result in being unable to participate in the "Giveaway Party" and your money, level, equipment, etc will be reduced to 0).

Let's summarize this long paragraph:

-Party is from 8/28-9/4
-2 prizes are given each day (prizes can be anything that is part of the unique features of war board)
-Prizes are completely random
-In a thread called "Giveaway Party", you must post at least once to get prizes for the day
-Prizes are given through PM
-You are responsible for updating your "Members' Stats" post unless if admin/mod had done so
-If your post is abused or you are caught cheating, you will be stripped out of almost every feature that the war board has offered to 0

Posts : 168
Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 30
Location : Earth

Health Points:
8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Left_bar_bleue99999999999/999999999998/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
Armor Points:
8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Left_bar_bleue99999999999/999999999998/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
8/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/99999999999998/25/09 - Giveaway Party is almost here! Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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