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All about Currency

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Post by lilfriend400 Sun May 24, 2009 5:47 am

The currency in this game is in $, or dollars/bucks/etc. You'll need money to buy new stuff so you'll be able to beat a game more easier. And what's the "new stuff"? Well, look below, lad.

You need to protect yourself with armor/clothes when getting hit or damaged by a gun or a close combat weapon so it won't be as hard as when you're unarmored. Shoes can be varied into walking more units (aka speed shoes) or just be a part of the o' protective armor. Shields are optional depending on what weapon you're wielding.

In order to fight, you gotta equip yourself with a decent hitter. These can varied into guns, knives, grenades, etc.

Now what's a good warrior without something to heal him/herself? You got to ready yourself up with some pots in order to recover from a bullet shot or other injuries. Special pots, on the other hand, has special effects that can boost up one thing that it specifies for a good amount of turns. Foods, served as an alternate, can heal almost as much as a pot does. Thing is, the price is varied. So choose the right foods and pots!

That's right dude. You got to work to earn your money. This can be done by working in a store topic. The amount of money you get is varied depending on what your job is and how active you are.

Posts : 168
Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 29
Location : Earth

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