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Ranks and their purposes

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Ranks and their purposes Empty Ranks and their purposes

Post by lilfriend400 Sat May 23, 2009 6:45 am


AdminRanks and their purposes Af24
The ones who manage the groove in this place. Please respect their hard work.

ModeratorRanks and their purposes Af23
The ones who manage one or more forum(s). Please respect their hard work.

Grand GeneralRanks and their purposes Af22
The highest rank possible as a member. These Grand Generals have the best amount of knowledge possible for a quick win with his/her fleet.

General CommanderRanks and their purposes Af21
Commands other fleets by combinding his/her knowledge with the Grand General's knowledge. They work along each other to create ways to make an easy win.

GeneralRanks and their purposes Af20
Part of the fresh patch of Generals. They will be sending out orders to the Commander by the 2 upperclassmens, and may take a part of their plan if necessary.

CommanderRanks and their purposes Af19
Your leadership skills are blooming so much, you're ordering an entire fleet. Sends out orders by the General to the fleet. He/She will be following the plan to the best of their ability. They are rarely in battle, but if needed, they are fully trained enough to slice through a rock.

ColonelRanks and their purposes Af17
Now you're really getting there in leadership. Colonels have a deep understanding of leadership and what it takes to manage a fleet. Gets orders and controls multiple fleet to go according to plan. They're sometimes needed in battle, and if needed, they're trained with all types of guns and ready to use whichever weapon necessary.

CaptainRanks and their purposes Af15
When you're ready enough to be like a category for leadership, you're ready enough to be a Captain. Gets orders and controls fleets to go according to plan. They're sometimes needed in battle because of their understanding in guns.

Sergeant CommanderRanks and their purposes Army11
With a pretty good knowledge of handling multiple fleets, these Sergeant Commanders have a good way of organization when it comes to a couple of fleets. Gets orders and controls some fleets to go with the plan. Because of their knowledge of guns and how to use them, they're sometimes needed at times.

Master SergeantRanks and their purposes Army8
With good organization knowledge, Master Sergeants puts the Staff Sergeants in their proper places to have them deal with the rest of the job. Gets orders and organizes some fleets to go with the plan. They're often needed in battle due to their flourishing knowledge of a major gun.

Staff SergeantRanks and their purposes Army6
They have a much more better way of handling teams and getting everything in place. Gets orders and manages Sergeants with their team to go with the plan. They're often needed in battle with a gun that they're specializing in.

SergeantRanks and their purposes Army5
The first step in leadership. Sergeants have tactical strategies fit for a good leader of 5. Gets orders and manages a group of Corporals and Privates to go with the plan, so they're always needed in battle. They have a gun major that they're still training on.

CorporalRanks and their purposes Army3
Corporals have a much more better understanding of strageties in games, as they work as 1 unit. Gets orders and do missions with Sergeants and/or Privates. They are always needed in battle with a gun major.

PrivateRanks and their purposes Army1
The next step as a soldier. Privates have the basic knowledge of a strategic gunner. Gets orders and do missions with Sergeants and/or Corporals. They are always needed in battle with a gun major.

RecruitRanks and their purposes Army4
A trainee in wars. He/She will be trained by a Corporal to improve as a better gunsman. They are always needed in battle when readied up. At this rank, you get to select a gun to major in if you hate the starter kit one.

Posts : 168
Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 30
Location : Earth

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Ranks and their purposes Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/9999999999999Ranks and their purposes Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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