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Chocolate or Vanilla?

3 posters

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Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty Chocolate or Vanilla?

Post by [Red]bunnyofdeath[SgtCom] Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:04 am

You Are Vanilla
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.

You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.

Are you chocolate, or vanilla?
Sergeant Commander
Sergeant Commander

Posts : 67
Join date : 2009-07-09
Age : 36
Location : Milky Way

Health Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue145/145Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (145/145)
Armor Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue268/268Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (268/268)
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue0/200Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/200)

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Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty Yay

Post by [Red] Pixels [Sgt] Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:10 pm

You Are Vanilla

Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.

You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.

Are You Chocolate or Vanilla?
[Red] Pixels [Sgt]
[Red] Pixels [Sgt]

Posts : 31
Join date : 2009-05-23

Health Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue50/50Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
Armor Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue257/257Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (257/257)
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue8/10Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (8/10)

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Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty Re: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Post by lilfriend400 Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:06 am

You Are Chocolate

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

You are dramatic, charming, and downright addicting.
You have a strong personality, and and people are drawn to your fabulousness.

You are stimulating and exciting. It's hard to get tired of you.
You are incredibly likable and popular. You live a glorious life.

Posts : 168
Join date : 2009-05-22
Age : 29
Location : Earth

Health Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue99999999999/99999999999Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
Armor Points:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue99999999999/99999999999Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (99999999999/99999999999)
Chocolate or Vanilla? Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/9999999999999Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/9999999999999)

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Chocolate or Vanilla? Empty Re: Chocolate or Vanilla?

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